Under the right circumstances, bankruptcy is a great tool to help you erase debts and achieve a fresh start. Unfortunately, the stigma associated with the word Bankruptcy often steers people away from filing. It is important to understand that declaring bankrupt (especially Chapter 13) doesn’t mean you are broke, or are admitting that you can’t pay your […]

With April 15, the last day to file your tax returns, having recently come and gone, many of my clients are wondering: Do I have to pay back the IRS? The answer is maybe not. You can discharge (wipe out) debts for federal income taxes if ALL of the following conditions are true: The taxes […]

Student loans are difficult, but not impossible, to discharge in bankruptcy. The Bankruptcy Court has established a legal test, known as the “Brunner Test,” to determine if your student loans should be discharged in bankruptcy. Prior to 1976, student loans were treated like most other debts in bankruptcy. In 1976, Congress took notice that several doctors and […]

Many in the South Florida housing market cringe when they hear the “B” word — bubble — being used to forecast the future of Florida’s climbing real estate Market. While realtors, developer’s, investors and homeowners are thrilled with the rising market, several economists are predicting this is only a temporary climb and a crisis similar […]